What is Pay per Click Advertisement System?

Pay per click advertising system is an arrangement where you get paid when a web surfer clicks on the advertisement. This is perhaps the easiest way to start earning money with your blogs or site. You can allocate advertising space and add some code.

Google Adsense is one of the most famous pay per click (PPC) advertisement systems. It’s easy to easy to use and implement. Besides Adsense, there are still other PPC systems such as Bidvertiser and Adbrite. There are drawbacks of PPC system, however. A quite a number of webmasters report that PPC system generates less money than other systems.

To earn more money by using PPC systems, we have to go back to the idea content is king. It best to write relevant contents since the system will spider your blog and determine the advertisements which are most related to the contents. Hence, it is called contextual advertising.

For example, you can run a blog on weight loss and all the blog entries are on weight loss. In this way the ad slots will show up related advertisements about weight loss. This gives the chance of generating more clicks to the ads since your blog is on weight loss and it will probably attract more people who are interested in the topic.