Get Paid For Banners On Your Site

Webmasters seem to search the engines on how to get paid for banners placed on their site. If you came here searching for it then I give you what your looking for.

You get paid by displaying 125 x 125 banner ads on your site. Just go and join Performancingads and submit your site there. This is FREE to join and you don’t need to pay for any membership upgrade or have to be bothered by any sort of marketing tricks. Just ad some codes on your site for the ad marketing transactions to work.

The system will automatically set a default price for the ad slots you'll create basing mainly on your Alexa rank, but it also includes backlinks, and number of subscribers. You can edit the default price and set your desired value but you have to make sure that your pricing is just right so you can attract more advertisers to your site.

Payment is done monthly via PayPal and as for now there is no minimum pay-out rolled out yet.

Join Performancing Ads.