Work At Home Business Opportunity - Low Start-Up Cost Business

by George Evers

The way property tax assessments are levied leave accuracy not addressed. Finding areas that reduce assessments allow for thousands of dollars in savings. The National Taxpayers Union has made the observation that as many as 60% of all homeowners are over-assessed.

In the real estate property tax consulting business you look for houses that sold for less than your client's. In a sense you are a financial detective. The taxpaying homeowner has little time and lack the know how to challenge the tax assessor. Homeowners need a property tax consultant and this makes for a great work at home opportunity.

Every taxpaying homeowner or property manager is a candidate for this service. Just about anyone you present your service to will want to sign up. All that needs to be done is fill out a few forms proving the assessment reduction and running it through the system will be your road to an fantastic earnings stream.

Many similarities exist when compared to financial planners, doctors, accountants, appraisers and lawyers. All have a broad client base that brings in more business than they can handle by word of mouth when developed. Most people want to save money in their property taxes.

Contingency fees are based upon winning a case. If your win a $2,500 reduction for your client, than you will see the full $2,500 fee spread over a one, two or three year period of time or however you may want to arrange the contract. You can also charge a one-time up-front fee for a property tax analysis. This analysis could take as little time as 15 minutes for you to determine if you want to take the case farther.

State and local governments seem to be on a continuous spending spree. National statistics show higher payrolls and budgets across the board. That results in yearly increases in the property tax. The selling proposition falls easily into the property tax consultants lap.

About every 7 to 15 years a town will do a blanket reassessment for the real estate values within their jurisdiction. This mass appraisal is done to line up dollar values with the current market.

Hiring an appraiser to individually appraise each home their jurisdiction would be too expensive for a municipality. The blanket appraisal is put out to bid with the low bid winning. This type of blanket appraisal involves just a quick look and walk around.

The appraisal done by a blanket appraiser needs a hard look. Observations are recorded on a property record card. Sometimes only a drive by occurs where notes are taken if the property has changed since the last mass appraisal. Ask yourself how much scrutiny can be given to a property when the low bidder needs to make a profit on top of his $15 per home winning bid. Also, the information gathering personal hired may have questionable observation skills.

Help is sorely needed to check up on the mass appraisers judgment. Also recent changes in market conditions need to be accounted for. Since homeowners don't know how and are too stressed time wise to make a property tax appeal they welcome someone to help them with their property taxes.

State and local government will likely not curtail their spending habits. Therefore this work at home business will be in high demand long into the future. A goldmine of opportunity exists in this business opportunity.

About the Author:
Get entire access to a bona fide consulting home business package. A entire work from home opportunity turnkey system aiding others with their property taxes and cashing in on real estfrome valufromion declines.