Save Your Time using Web analytics

Web Analytics is a measuring tool, a metric that measures all the activities on a website, tracks visitors and monitors them. Getting a figure and statistics of your web site will help you promote your online business.

With Analytics you can look into other forms of online marketing to assess their effectiveness. You can track the number of visitors from a specific advert that go on to make a purchase at your site. This information will tell you if the advert is worth the cost you are paying, it could also allow you to make accurate predictions about how a change in your advertising budget would effect profit levels. Other forms of marketing such as email campaigns and pay-per-click advertising can also be tracked so you can continually improve your marketing efforts to make them more profitable.

Your website conversion rate should concern you. This simply refers to how many visitors to your website it takes before you make a sale. It is called conversion because you are 'converting' a casual visitor into a buyer. Website conversion should concern you because when you can increase the rate at which your website visitors convert into buyers, you make more money without increase your costs

Catch your visitors' attention immediately. Having something applicable but eye-catching about your product or service can start visitors down the way to becoming a potential customer.

Next, it will help you optimize your website for the search engines. One you have a pretty good idea of who your visitors are and which pages they visit the most, you can begin to optimize your website. You will want to take a look at the keywords that they are searching for and see which pages need to be better optimized for those keywords. There are so many improvements and adjustments that you can do with data that analytics populates for you. You just need to pick a few and work on them.

If you use Analytics on your web site not only will you find out what works but you will also find out what does not work. This can save you a lot of time and money. You could find that a very competitive keyword phrase that your web site has been targeting converts poorly. This type of information is vital because it allows you to use all your time and resources on bringing in traffic that converts well and improves your bottom line.

Because you have actual facts about your visitors and their browsing patterns, you can better formulate how you will present your product or service to them. You will be able to track conversion based off of each page and the call to action thereon. This will in turn result in better sales optimization, where to pitch your product, and when. It will definitely lead to more sales and repeat customers.

Improving your conversion rate starts with tracking and web analytics. Without the accurate information, you cannot analyze the activities of your visitors. When you analyze the activities of your visitors and compare the results to what you would like to see happen on your site, page by page, then you can make changes to achieve those goals. After you make changes, check your numbers and use web analytics again to figure out what needs to be changed next. In this way, you can stop wasting your time and money on advertising and SEO techniques that aren't drawing or maintaining traffic and stick to what works, pulling targeted traffic and turning customers into repeat customers.

About the Author:

Chris Jonathan is an expert in Webanalytics. Through integration and hours of analyzing visitor browsing habits, can better understand your visitors and how you can increase your conversion. Visit VEBAnalytics to learn about web analytics and other Small Business Solutions.