Choosing the right submit articles can be a real task since you need to ensure that you put out submit articles that can generate web traffic to say the least. All in all what you need to ensure is that when it comes to getting hold of submit articles that are effective to say the least, you must ensure that they are written with a great deal of focus in mind.
First and foremost, what you need to do is to ensure that you get hold of your basic requirements and needs. Then based on this you need to ensure that you reach out the right type of portals.
For instance, it is a well known fact that when it comes to the whole concept of submit articles, it needs to be given into places like ezine and articlebase. All in all, this would be an outstanding break for you to gain a great deal of experience for your company or brand for free.
It is suggested that you write submit articles based on the product you are selling for instance if you are an architect then it is suggested that you write about how lighting can be a benefit for new homes.
This would present you an excellent chance to delve in and offer information that would put you in favor with the world. This would mean that people would easily come to you to get more information whereby you can make a conversion readily once they come to your site.
As you are aware, this would be the perfect opportunity to enjoy some truly marvelous pockets of information whereby you can reach out to a whole new audience out there that has not idea that you exist in the first place.
On the other hand, you need to be aware of the fact that there are so many other things you need to think about when it comes to submit articles. There is for instance, plagiarism that you need to avoid at all costs.
Furthermore you also need to make sure that you think about keyword density as well. These are just a few of the requirements that you do need to be aware of so that you do not err and end up getting penalized for something that was not intentional or deliberate in the first place.
Ensure that you reach out and see what submit articles portals are the most excellent by seeing how much of web traffic they generate. This can be important since you would want to end up showcasing your articles in a position that is extensively accepted and which also is known to have a expert environment where data is credible.
Here is estimated expense to build a website :
- hosting : $40 - $80 a year
- domain name : $2 - $10 a year
- wordpress theme : there are a lot of free theme
- content : if you have no skill in writing, I have a vendor that charge $0.75 per 100 words. I usually outsource to him. You can see the quality in my blogs below.
- generate backlinks through bookmark, blog network, blog commenting, etc. I prefer utilize fiverr. There are so many cheap service ($5) to do that.
Regarding the content, I can give you contact name if you are interested to outsource the article content.